
Thursday, the 20th - To Sell Or Not To Sell

I listed my startup Cartfuel for sale last month on MircoAcquire.

Since listing it I have spoken with people who seemed to be interested. But No LOIs yet.

Some buddies of mine on Twitter think I shouldn’t sell it. They believe that it's premature and that I do have a decent product it just needs more time + help in development.

I agree. So I’ve been speaking with another Twitter buddy to see if he can take on the development and I continue the marketing.

Of course, I would give up some equity but the truth is if I sell it today I wouldn’t make as much as I hope. The reason I wanted to sell was that the development costs were too much. So if this friend can take on the development then the business can stack MRR and be in a better place financially to make better decisions.

We are still discussing the details but it seems like a viable option.