

Personally, I like investing in distribution/acquisition methods that have evergreen compounding effects. You won’t see Twitter listed in this playbook because it's not evergreen, search sucks, and low reach. Whereas Reddit has tons of community, evergreen effects, SEO, and great search capabilities. It’s worthwhile to mention.

I’m not a pro-Redditor. However, I think it's one of the better ways to find ideas and build community. Here are some thoughts on how I would use Reddit to grow my company.

Start by reading this: https://latecheckout.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-guide-to-unbundling and this: https://gummysearch.com/how-to/find-problems-to-solve/

Although both articles talk about how to find ideas on Reddit, I think they provide a good overview of the platform and how to use it correctly.

I have found some insights using this paid tool called https://gummysearch.com. The owner, Fed, created the tool to give users a deeper and more analytical way to see conversations on Reddit.

By using that tool, you can get a good idea of what conversations are happening in your niche. Then you can join the conversations by adding value. Most people say that with Reddit, it’s hard to promote your product because most admins will delete your post or ban you.

But like anything, if you lead with the value, you can add your link without issue.


The paid side of Reddit doesn’t get much love because, let’s face it…Redditors hate ads. However, this breakdown by Kacper Staniul is the only way you should run ads…and is the only way proven to work. Check it out → https://www.getscrapbook.com/saas-teardowns/reddit-ads-masterclass

If you do run an ad like this, make sure that you also have a /r community that is for your specific product. The ad mentioned in the above link grew their subreddit to 9k members based off that one ad.

Check out how Bearable grew to 300k users using Reddit → https://trends.co/articles/how-bearable-grew-to-300k-users-and-profitable-using-reddit/

More Resources

https://postparrot.xyz/ - Create Viral Worthy Reddit Headlines using GPT-3

https://socialgrep.com/ - Monitor your {social} on Reddit

gummysearch.com - Reddit Audience Research

https://anvaka.github.io/sayit/?query=writing - How to find related subreddits

https://laterforreddit.com/ - Reddit post scheduler

https://www.delayforreddit.com/analysis/subreddit/vegan - find when is the best time to post in certain reddits

https://accfarm.com/buy-reddit-accounts/softreg-reddit-accounts - Buy Reddit accounts

https://www.delayforreddit.com/analysis - Figure out when you should post on Reddit

https://guide.opryshok.com/ - Guide on how to validate ideas on Reddit