I’ve been writing more and honestly, it feels good to get the thoughts out of my head. I was like a backed-up water hose. The thoughts were starting to consume me. Writing my thoughts and ideas out is helpful because it takes a bit of pressure off of my brain.
What sparked this blog actually was the SaaS guide I started to write. I’m not sure what made me want to write it other than a bit of selfishness. I wanted to create something for me to remember all of the stuff I have consumed in the past 18 months.
I realized that other people would find it helpful and decided to tweet about it.
I’m really excited that I was able to create and release it. I’ve been wanting to write something like this for a while.
I had so many ideas and thoughts about SaaS that were all over the place…It was like content hoarding. Things were just lost in the abyss. But now those content pieces, ideas, strategies, and thoughts have a home.
The SaaS OS
SaaS OSI’m proud of it.
I’m not sure how personal I’ll get on this blog but for now, I intend to continue to grow the content that lives here so that others can learn alongside me.